Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Diffrent people, different mind.

Hello there. I was just wondering, and something about Lay's Chips struck my mind: There are so many diffrent kind of people in this world.

I'm sure you've heard of the "It's half full, it's half empty, it's half full wait no it's half empty, I ordered a cheese burger" thing. Now, this is not quite what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the composition of a person made of 1.Early education 2.Personality. 2 parts.

Sincerely, a person can be perfect by having an equal balance of these two. Not too much of personality to be too emotional, and not to rational to be flexible. But again, no on is perfect in this world. If there was one, then that'd be me. Of course, that's under the assumption that everyone else is no longer alive.

This somehow leads to another topic: How to be 'Cool'. So many people 'struggle' to be cool. But one thing I do not get is that why the heck do they want it so much? The only thing I certainly care is getting a good pay or some thing in that manner. I mean comon. But if in case you want to be cool, please, for the sake of the blue earth, follow these guidelines:

1. Mediate.
2. Start something of your own, develop your style (even spelling things wrong counts)
3. Never be rude to nice people
4. Don't be rude actually, but don't except defeat either.
5. Self respect comes first before you respect others
6. Keep your promises
7. Being alone sometimes is okay, give your brain some rest.
8. *Don't be in his/her group, let him/her be in your group

Seriously, that should do. Good luck and don't be a sheep.


*I personally prefer this, but up to you, just don't be too eager to be a part of something.

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