Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Diffrent people, different mind.

Hello there. I was just wondering, and something about Lay's Chips struck my mind: There are so many diffrent kind of people in this world.

I'm sure you've heard of the "It's half full, it's half empty, it's half full wait no it's half empty, I ordered a cheese burger" thing. Now, this is not quite what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the composition of a person made of 1.Early education 2.Personality. 2 parts.

Sincerely, a person can be perfect by having an equal balance of these two. Not too much of personality to be too emotional, and not to rational to be flexible. But again, no on is perfect in this world. If there was one, then that'd be me. Of course, that's under the assumption that everyone else is no longer alive.

This somehow leads to another topic: How to be 'Cool'. So many people 'struggle' to be cool. But one thing I do not get is that why the heck do they want it so much? The only thing I certainly care is getting a good pay or some thing in that manner. I mean comon. But if in case you want to be cool, please, for the sake of the blue earth, follow these guidelines:

1. Mediate.
2. Start something of your own, develop your style (even spelling things wrong counts)
3. Never be rude to nice people
4. Don't be rude actually, but don't except defeat either.
5. Self respect comes first before you respect others
6. Keep your promises
7. Being alone sometimes is okay, give your brain some rest.
8. *Don't be in his/her group, let him/her be in your group

Seriously, that should do. Good luck and don't be a sheep.


*I personally prefer this, but up to you, just don't be too eager to be a part of something.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Seat for One

"I thought you weren't coming"
"I didn't say that... Well, I'm here anyway, but I'm the only one dressing so... Inappropriately"
"It's fine, don't think you have to"
"Okay then, whatever"

Well, I'm here after all. I nearly tripped over the stairs, these carpets are just so, soft. The music is pretty loud, this place is somehow awkward, well, I guess I'm abit nervous. God, this place is so dark, with all these disco lights and some semi-lightened yellow light. Oh wait... Is that her? Shit, that dress looks so damn pretty, although well, also kinda awkward she's wearing one. Fuck, I need to go get some drinks... 

"Hey sorry, where are the cups?"

Man, look at all this food, I better hurry before some assholes drives in again. Asshole. 

I need some food too. Alright, this looks nice, I'll get some of that. This. This. This, and that. Okay that's enough, let's see. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 .8. Only the 9th table is not occupied, I'll get that one. But this place is separated from hers. Okay we'll see what to do. Wow, the seat is pretty soft also, and this thing taste quite good. Alright now where is she. What? Where is she? What in the world?
Maybe coming he was a mistake. Where is she? Okay shit, she's gone. Now I'm fucking ostrasized... You know why, I don't give anymore. I'll eat.
Wait wait wait. Is that Tim? Oh shit, it's been thrity years, what the hell is he doing outside in the rain? Lying?
Okay the music continues, she's gone, I'm alone, and this pretty much sucks. I think my friend from thirty years ago is dying outside. What the hell am I supposed to so now?

"Shit man, is that you? Why the hell are you here man, and... and... what's up with... you?"
"I'm dying man, I'm here to tell you one thing before I..."
"Somebody help!"
"Don't be a sheep."
"Don't be one"
"Man, just hang on there, I'll be right back."
"Don't go man, there is no need. Just listen to me. Don't be a sheep."

Not even a minute after, I was alone again outside. From two in the rain, to one. He's dead now. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

11:19 Sunday. Now I'm awake. Emotions forms images, then becomes actions, at least actions on here.

I should've looked at the dance floor

The soup too hot?

Okay, so I looked at the brightside. I found two reasons why not to ****ing (don't swear all of you) kill myself, and three of why I should become a hobo. First of all, in this earth, approximately how many people have you met? Known? Pissed at? or even Shot? I did an approximate count, and I think I have met approximately 1800 people. 1800 where I have spoken to for more than a few sentences. 
So the point is: Is it okay to be a hypocrite? 

Main Entry:
hyp·o·crite            Listen to the pronunciation of hypocrite
Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita,from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
13th century
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
— hypocrite 

(taken from http://www.merriam-webster.com)

A few might say "yeah sure it's fine, I think". Some might show strong discontent with a person who is hypocritical. Obviously everyone on earth is a hypocrite. Oh yes, go ahead, do the swear. Believe me, everyone's a hypocrite at one point. Even Jesus was (http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/596).  But it's okay to be a hypocritical at some points, the thing is that how much of a hypocrite you are.

That's right, don't panic if you're a hypocrite, I am too. I'm a fucking hypocrite. All I'm going to say, is look back to your past. Give yourself a rating. How much of a hypocrite are you? Don't expect too much if you're a hypocrite. Live on and enjoy life as it gives you.